Philip de Lang contributed this file.
@Harrie can you try and let us know if possible?
Philips_DCC_170_battery_cover.stl (18.4 KB)
I tested these yesterday with my newly acquired 170. The case works. I used a battery from batterypoint to test and refine the model. The case needs some optical improvements. That is for later…
@Philip_de_Lang Would you be willing to add a logo to it? Would be great for the dccmuseum?
I will look into it. If it can be done in tinkercad, I will add it deploy it using a separate stl file.
I did put logo on the stands for practicing. But for this one: The surface is too small to get a readable logo on it. If there is a special logo for small parts I can do it.
Maybe just dccmuseum.com in text?
No sure it that is possible.
That is no problem.
Hi All,
@tom Tested it last week. The standard Gumstick did not fit exactly.
He has made a video about this.
I am pretty sure the 18650 battery will fit.
Did you test Gumstick batteries @Philip_de_Lang?
Yes, I tried this set, which I bought months ago: Mexcel 4,8V 0,77Ah NiMh pack refill voor SBC6434 | Battery Point
It fits in my 3d printed cover, I glued both halves and have a working battery pack.
That is indeed how batterypoint is doing it. So then it closes perfectly.
Will the battery cover also stay in place after you put the pack inside (the lid on top in the player)?
Yes. It workes no different than the stock battery packs ( I have one that still works).
Made a new v2 design that might accept battery packs that are put in flat. But I cannot test it well, because my pack is made differently.
Hi @Philip_de_Lang can you share this V2 file so @Harrie can test print it?
hi guys, the walls of the 3D printed batterypack is allready very thin and weak.
When we make it thinner it gets even more worse…
The outher dimensions have to stay the same.
I will check the outher dimensions with an original batterypack.
greetz, Harrie
The new one is the v3 one, it is already on thingiverse.
I have found smaller lithium ion cells that fit in a standard case. I do not know how long they last as in hours playtime.
Love what the team has been doing with these upgraded batteries.
Maybe stupid question but Any one selling these?
Hi Philip, Batteries like this have a capacity of around 800 mAh or ~3.1 Wh which is less than the NiMh package ~3.8 Wh so I suspect playtime might be less.
Regards, Erik
Hi Today I used part of Philip’s (thanks Philip) design to build a battery. The electronics are from a disassembled powerbank.
This particular Li-Ion battery can be charged with the USB connector that is hidden under the ‘+’ cap. Normally I use a Nitecore Li-Ion charger.
I tested this with my DCC 134 and it works fine.
Regards, Erik