Hi I have a DCC 730, when I record using the analogue inputs, playback does not show track numbers, just blanc space. Is track numbering only for digital recordings. Or have I got to do something in the settings.
Hello and welcome to the forums!
While you record from an analog source, the DCC recorder records a track marker whenever it detects silence, if the auto-marker feature is enabled. It can be disabled from the options menu, but I don’t remember exactly how to do it. Please read the manual.
It will also record a track number (and continuous time codes) if possible. If you put a tape in the recorder and it’s not at the beginning of the tape and you don’t play the tape past a previously recorded track marker with track number, the recorder doesn’t know what the track number of the new track should be so it records a marker without number. Later on, you can fix this by using the renumber feature. And of course the edit menu will let you delete and insert track markers as well as reverse markers.
If you start recording on a tape that doesn’t already have continuous time code recorded on it, (what Philips calls “super user tape”), the recorder doesn’t know what time code to record, and the time on the display will be estimated by the mechanism, I think. A “user tape” (i.e. a tape that doesn’t have continuous recorded time codes) can’t be changed to a super user tape.
When you stop a recording, the recorder always records a “re-use” marker – basically a marker that marks the end of the recording. If you want, you can use the “Append record” feature to find the re-use marker and start recording from there. But I rememberi always found it easier to stop a recording by pressing “mute”, and then rewinding and replaying the recording until it got to the recorded silence, then stopping the playback and then putting the recorder in rec-pause mode. That way, when you start the actual recording, it will have a numbered track marker (if you had consistently used the same method throughout the tape) and continuous time code.
Hope this helps!
Hi Jac,
Thanks for your informative reply, It has been really helpful as I am new to the DCC format.
Regards Nick