Philips dcc600 gone bad

Hello from Greece.

I’ve been having a dcc600 for at least 8 years now working perfectly and used occasionally with dcc tapes and analog tapes.
All until last week.

I Changed the drawer belt and it was opening immediately now, and happy as I was I put a dcc tape and listened to it. When it was time for bed I shut all my other usual sockets but not this one since I did not use it so often and was on other socket. Needless to say the temperature in the loft these days is about 32 celsius not falling significantly under 30 at night. In the morning the usual smell greeted me as I saw with awe the 600 stopped and all lit.

The problem. The behavior
Play gets to start and immediately stops. Then it tries the other direction and does the same.
FF and RW do nothing.
After this, a portion of the tape is outside its case but not chewed. It gets chewed if you insist. The same happens with analog tapes.

So, having watched some videos I tried changing the capstan belt. I had a rough time getting those plastic clips off and managed to break just a side on both small clips, but without losing its stiffness and they went back and snapped after the belt was changed.
But this brought no results in starting the tape to play.

I would like to hear your opinions and help in saving this little beauty which I’d hate to junk.


Most likely, it will need a new gear. All 2nd gen players do.

My new gears have arrived.
Do they need to be lubricated and if so with what?