Philips DCC 951 Problems with Time Index and Text when playing a pre-recorded cassette

Hi, i have this Philips DCC 951 recaped the two boards, and restored belts and pinch rollers.
All good so far, but sudenly when i start a new cassette record i notice that the time index and the track mark are both dissapear after i try to play my recorded cassette…Also when i try to play an before days ago another recording cassette they time index and track mark both start blinking from time to time, and the titling in some songs seen and in some others no reading…All tha symptoms happening after a succesfully recordings of many cassettes. The last recording does not seeing time and track mark. Any help whil apprecated, Thanks Chris from Greece.

Hi Chris and welcome!

This is what you can do:

  • Try cleaning the head and capstans.
  • Check in service mode for ERROR on head 9.

Good luck,

Thank you for your quick responding, and yes i have erros on 9 channel mostly 20 but playing from 17,18,19 and 20. Im afraid the R/W board maybe, what you say? by the way the head is clean, but what is the capstans, you mean the pinch rollers?

The capstans are the axles that the pinch rollers push to when playing.

If track 9 changes in error rate while playing a pre-recorded cassette, I suspect the head is worn.
I have a player with the same problem, changed r/w board and that gave no improvement.

Thanks again Henrie, i understoud, so if the head have problem how easy is to find a replace or not worthing…

You can replace the head, preferably in combination with the R/W board, because recording adjustments have been made on it for that specific head.
You can also look for DCC730 players, for they have the same mechanism and can be exchanged.