Hello all
My first post here !
I recently acquired a Philips 900 series DCC player in mint condition. It plays dcc cassettes perfectly - love the sound.
However , it just wont play standard cassettes. It will fast forward , rewind and all seems fine mechanically when i press play - alas no sound.
Has anyone had this issue and found a solution.
I am also looking for some blank and pre-recorded dcc cassettes - with a reasonable and fair price .
I live in Australia , any local enthusiasts with dccs would be appreciated .
Balmain Sydney
Hi Bruce
First you can try to clean the head with alcohol. Analog tracks (2x) in the lower part of the head.
Then you can try to check if the analog tracks of the ribbon cable that connects the head and the RW board are all OK.
Those pins 22, 24, 27 and 28 are responsible for the analog part of the head.
However, there is a strong opinion that you should avoid to playback ordinary compact cassettes. In a certain condition, environment those old CC can damage the head that you will not be able to play DCC tapes and only CC will leave for a while. So maybe it is not that bad that you are not able to play them now and leave it as it is.
Hi Bruce, welcome!
I have had great contact with Troy, he’s also from Australia, Brisbane area: Profile - Troy - DCC Museum Forum