Philips DCC 600 no title display

To add to my DCC 730, that doesn’t record, I’ve just bought a DCC 600. This one records & plays but has a couple of problems.
When I first insert a DCC cassette, it says reading, sometimes it searches for the first track & then as I press play, the title of the track appears for a split second. Then it just shows track title for the rest of the time I’m playing the cassette.
When I press the title key, it displays album name & artist but no detail about tracks or song title.
In time mode, it only shows counter but not the title time.
In record, the time shows & appears to separate tracks but nothing is shown on playback.
The quality of sound is good on DCCs & it plays analog tapes very well.
I’ve cleaned the heads, using the recommended IPA & brushing gently with a cotton bud, from bottom to top but it made no difference.
It doesn’t always auto reverse straight away at the end of the side on DCC either. In service mode, the heads all show zeros.
Wondered if it was anything simple to fix (unlikely, I know).
Thanks, Rob.

Sounds like a problem with the encoding of the data on the (prerecorded) cassette. There’s nothing you can do about that.

Reminder: self-recorded titles from the 730 cannot be read by the 600.


Hi Jac,
Thanks for your reply. I have 3 pre recorded tapes & the fault is there on all of them. The recorded tapes I bought weren’t recorded on my 730, as that doesn’t record, as from my previous topic. I bought them recorded but I’m not sure which model they’d been recorded on. The DCC600 does record on them but my other (730) appears to record but has no effect on the recording already on the tape.
Best regards, Rob
Ps neither home recoded nor pre recorded show the number of tracks or time in playback, when text is selected.