My Visit to the DCC Museum

My wife and I were travelling in Southern California last month so we took the opportunity to visit the DCC museum and it’s gracious host Dr. DCC. Back in the mid 1990s I was fascinated by the DCC format and potential even though at that point I could not afford them. Since then I have acquired a Philips DCC 900, Panasonic portable RQ-DP7 (the best sounding portable I have), Philips DCC951, and my pride Technics RS DC8 (these last 2 I purchased from the DCC museum). I brought the first two to be repaired.
It was a treat to view all those lovely DCC units and related items. We had a great and informative discussion. I could have sent all afternoon there but we were on the clock to get to San Diego.
Our thanks to Ralf. If any of you find yourselves in the area, I encourage you to visit the DCC Museum!


It was fun finally meeting you.