Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to every user based in the US, this should currently include everyone except me, namely @drdcc @david.desclos @Jac @rolf! Have a great time with your families!

Happy Thanksgiving

I consider myself very fortunate for having a chance to work with experts of your caliber. Working with each of you has been a great learning experience for me. I really value the knowledge and insight you have.

T H A N K S G I V I N G!

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@Max Although Iā€™m based in UK and The Netherlands, thanks to american roots of my new girlfriend this year is my first Thanksgiving! So thanks! A great Thanksgiving to all of you as well!

In the very very short time since joining the club, i am thankful for all the joy and energy it has already given me.

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Happy Turkey Day! Gobble Gobble.


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I would say happy forum