I’ve noticed interesting mismatch between DCC170/175 “Total Error Rate” mode description in SM and actual channel dropouts on the tape.
The service manual shows the following channel layout:
Channel 0 is on the left, and channel 7 is on the right.
I have a partly faulty DCC600 with head issue. It has a little scratch near channel 3. It reads all the tapes correctly, and also it records correctly if tape is new or bulk erased. If tape was recordered previously in another DCC machine, then DCC600 records and reads out own recording correctly, but all other machines show constant dropout in Ch3. This becomes because of scratch in the head, it only re-records a part of Ch3 Track, so this track cannot be read on any other DCC machine.
When playing back such a tape in DCC730, it shows constant dropouts in Ch4 (Channel numbering there starts from 1), and also DCC600 shows sporadic propouts in the same channel.
When checking this tape in DCC170, it should show dropout in 4th channel starting from the left, but it shows errors in 4th channel counting from the right (0000F000 instead of 000F0000). I’ve also checked this tape in my partially working DCC175 and got the same result - 0000F000.
So my question is following: does someone know about this bug in Total Error Rate mode of DCC170/175?
Best regards,